But that was totally idiotic when you just could put full missile and if you hit, everything died... and if you were cd-ed, you died. IMG|Kamikaze in Taus. I doubt it was fun for the opponents.
Let's not even discuss discarding the good part of missile development: they finally track. That's a great step. And something to build on.
The way to balance missiles is:
> limit ammo
> reduce damage
Nobody in here wants to kill off missiles.
But they are just much too good, sorry. It's just like this.
I had a policy of "every IMG ship must have a missile" and "everybody carries spare missiles for all 3 types", but it just proved sooo lame that I abolished that system again and unequipped missiles from practically all of my ships. Other factions followed (like JM|, who also unequipped the shared fighters' missiles, CL} who never used them, etc.).
If you pvp a lot, and if you sometimes get into the position to be the target, you can only agree with what Haste, me and many others are writing. It's silly to a degree that makes people just not play.