Pavel has a point here. With Disco's snub pvp being as exclusive as it is, some kind of key has to given to the 80 % of useless people to participate in pvp and not just be the hordes that are slain by those who mastered it.
After my break and my last recruitment push, I get the following answer when I call my newer ranks to fights: "Sorry. I'm sh... at pvp. I'd rather not try."
I disagree with the idea that missiles in their current state are this "key" for participation. They are just way too strong, seriously, and need to be adjusted to give the below-average minority a chance and grant them fun in the pvp aspect of Disco. Problem: taking candy away is really hard.
I agree with pretty much everybody here (and I think there is widespread consensus) that fighter pvp should somehow be more accessible. I agree with Haste that gun-shooting should be made easier. I feel like... WW1, when 95 % of bullets fired in air combat just hit nothing at all.
I'd just love to try doubling gun-projectile speeds. Click and hit what you aim at at a more reasonable rate. Would that help? I don't know. I have no clue how hard it is to test that (e.g. on a separate server).
Summed up: I do not think missiles in their current form are a way to "fix" the extremely exclusive and frustrating (for the majority) snub pvp system. They need to be adjusted. I would also like to look at projectile speeds for making pvp easier (but don't know whether it really would work).