Today my flesh-and-blood Brother Jeremy was killed - or should I say murdered...
Murdered with cold blood... Murdered in front of your eyes - just next to Barrier Gate Station
murdered by Colonials... murdered by strangers who stole our free system... our freedom...
Those bloody newcomers - they came to Our free system begging for shelter,
ask for help to rebuild their pride and fleet...
And when they does rebuild - do they thank us? NO!
They claim that Coronado is their system now - that We have to listen their orders now.
They talk about big words - as we should be grateful, since they defend us from danger
that they bring law and justice to 'savage systems' - pathetic!
We were lived by years, generations here! Without their - so called - "help"
and we will live for centuries - since we believe in your freedom!
Freelancers - stop allowing those bloody murderers spit in our faces!
THIS SHOULD END TODAY! This is OUR system... this is OUR HOME! not their... OURS!
And or they will start treat us with respect - as partners - as neighbors
or we will kick them out just to place where they belong - freakin HELL!
Today I lost a brother - and our community - a one of our kin...
People woke up... woke up untill it will be to late...
woke up - and do not let my brother's sacrifice go in vain!
bother of murdered capitan 'LSS-Freedom'