Here's a new tutorial for new Ubuntu versions:
1. Install playonlinux
2. Run POL and go Manage Wine versions, add 32 bit WINE 1.1.20
(1.1.7 is the one I used back in 2008 when I wrote that tutorial)
3. Install Freelancer in a new 32 bit WINE bottle (do NOT use the POL install script, use the install a non-listed program option).
Install overrides (Install some libraries):
Ignore all POL errors (Next). Select the Freelancer setup (install file to run) and install the game. Select Configure -> General and double check the WINE version of your newly created bottle (e. g. freelancer). WINE 1.1.20 must be selected in the combo box.
4. Then, select Configure, Miscellaneous, run a .exe file in this virtual drive. Get the files from: (as these are the ones I used, and they are working). Install msxml3, msxml4 and msxml6. Manually copy the winemp3.acm (made using l3codeca.acm) to your POL virtual HD (e. g.
5. You can now test your vanilla Freelancer installation. Install Freelancer Global Server Workaround: and try out the multiplayer! Now you're ready to test mods, FLMM, etc. Servers don't show up in the server browser if they aren't manually added, so edit the shortcut: Configure -> General -> Arguments:
There are no spaces in the argument (note: replace the address after -s with any server address you need).
6. Install Discovery 4.87 (Configure, Miscellaneous, run a .exe file).
Copy your Discovery game folder over your vanilla Freelancer folder, so we can use the POL shortcut from its home page.
8. Play the game! Say no when it asks you to update to 4.87 update 7a.
Graphics work: check
Sound works: check
Online play works: check
Tested using Kubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn AMD64 KDE5.
NOTE: While it's possible to update Discovery to 48.77 using the update tool, Freelancer crashes to desktop when updated. You can update Discovery to 4.87 update 2, subsequent versions crash:
Multiplayer is broken in versions of WINE newer than 1.1.20 due to DirectPlay issues.