(01-11-2015, 03:28 PM)Haste Wrote: They're pirates. Why should they target ships that aren't fat, juicy, milkable transports?
Scouts, escorts, concurrency, or just a random naval a-hole in a light fighter following you and commentating every sneeze of yours over system chat. While a pirate's aim are the "fat, juicy, milkable transports", taking out these not necessarily "fat, juicy, milkable transports" can also significantly help milking those "fat, juicy, milkable transports". So why shouldn't these be viable targets for pirates as well?
Hey hey hey, ID doesn't say you can't engage it in self-defence. If you pirate a transport and there's a fighter, it will give you ultimatum, then attack you. It is logical it -will- initiate combat, if you are threatening client.
Wow, nice one, you managed to counter one of the four examples I brought, but, you know, competition and/or "volunteer beacons" does not need an engagement to deprive a pirate of it's source of income. So how about those?