An ordinary looking woman walks in the bar with a very light and subtle step,with her half face helmet, she delicately sat down at an empty table in the corner of the room.
From there with her piercing glance, she secretly started analyzing the four people waiting in the place. ''Are they waiting for the same purpose as me ?'' thought Alyona.
Watching the entrance carefully , she thought of everything that could happen during this ''questionnaire''. Trying to not be obvious , she ordered a glass of water waiting after someone to come in and at this moment she started to think about her father who taught her everything.
Master of war, Enrick, Alyona's father, was a very strict military dirigeant. To ensure good protection for his daughter, he taught her how to fight, weaponry, knowledge, economy and exposing her to reality instead of sheltering her. After Enrick's wife died in an unexpected ambush, he changed and directed his army into a dark side and killed everyone he had once placed under his wing, searching for the one who betrayed him and his comrades. After so, the army was divided into small groups of bandits and pirates.
From an exterior point of view and her young age, Alyona saw her mom's ship getting destroyed before her. ||
Her flashback got interrupted when she saw someone entering the bar with a straight walk style, boots making noises when hitting the floor. He looked towards her direction and seemed to already know why she was there.
Alyona fixated the man with a determined look and no noticeable stress, awaiting him to reach her.
The tall guy with light colored eyes was dressed in red, yellow and black, a small red star on the belt. Nothing too obvious but it was him for sure. He took his step towards Alyona and took his place at the same table. He stared at her a few seconds and arched an eyebrow while pulling out his registration pad.
Alyona opened her mouth to say something but just before she could , the man raised a hand to silence her.<<I want you to put your hand on this pad and wait until the indentification is done>> said the man. She pulled out her hand from a dark glove and followed what he instructed. The following message came out of his mouth; <<Wait here, someone will show up for you ''good luck''>>.
She looked at him walking out the bar and sighed, the situation reminded the girl of her father when he was recruiting rookies or ancient veterans. Alyona closed her eyes for few seconds remembering the army singing all together and feeling at home. She is looking for a new home as she had before she got cryogenically frozen for several years.