Skye seemed destined to continue surprising Justin, he felt hot under the collar and was thankful that nobody else was in the shop to see all this, not that he knew anyone else that would go there anymore.
He felt Skyes soft and small hands hold onto his as he turned to leave, stopping him in his tracks. Her words really touched Justin as he’d always done things by himself for himself and wasn’t custom to receiving defence from anyone other than himself, he gave Skyes hands an effectionate squeeze and smiled thankfully.
“hey hey, come on. Don’t cry… No need for that, you gotta be stronger than that…” Justin said turning to Skye and speaking in a low rumbling but gentle voice, he stopped speaking prematurely though, wondering why he felt that he could keep telling her how to act and what was right and wrong.
Looking into her eyes he could clearly see that the young woman was extremely tired, not having slept for at least a day, so it was starting to dawn on him why she was acting so emotional.
“Miss Wolker…” Christy began before sighing, “Hes nothing but trouble he is” Christy said in a warning tone, now speaking to Skye instead of to Justin.