He scoffs slightly, he's heard the same story over and over again, still the Coalition would weed out the fools with a God Complex and those who did not believe in the cause. So he folded his arms across each-other, leaned back slightly and raised an eyebrow at Anatoliy.
"Yes I'm sure, we shall see if you can back up those words or are merely blowing a bunch of hot air uselessly."He dryly sniped before reaching into one of his jumpsuit's pockets and pulled out a small pass-card, sliding it across the table with a bored expression the Commissar's voice pressed onwards with that same dry tone, almost monotone now.
"Take this and go to Hanger CC-18, there will be a transport there that will take you to our homeland. From there they'll take you to the Fighter Corps' base of Zvezdny Gorodok and you'll be inducted as a Junior Lieutenant. If you survive than good for you, however if you prove a disappointment you won't be remembered."He told him before waving him off tiredly, not wanting to deal with the man any further.