Borderworlds Exports application form 5102-1021
* What is your full name?
Archibald Barron
* What was your Previous/current Occupation?
I was a part of a mining corporation in Liberty before it bankrupted and now i am unemployed.
* Write a short Biograph about yourself here,
I was born on Birmingham Station in Manchester system. My mom used to work there and my dad is a independent trader, so he showed me some trading tricks. And i don't know what else there is to say except that i am a engineer.
* For what Division are you applying? ( Trade/Sec./Exp.)
* Why are you applying for Bowex, what motivates you?
I'm looking to make some money while working with friends and people who appreciate teamwork.
* You pass a Gateway convoy/ship that is under attack by Corsairs. What do you do and why?
Laugh and run as fast as i can so that I'm not there next target.
* You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
Call for some bigger firepower, then chat him up until it arrives. And when it does i would be the one laughing.
* How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
I do not know who they are, but if they are fuzzy and cute i love them!
* Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?
If yes, please tell us his/her name,
I was referred by Bowex)Rufus
* Do you have a criminal record?
None that i now of.