(04-06-2015, 11:55 AM)Mímir Wrote: You can easily handle gunboats by using fighters/bombers exclusively, and if you can't muster the players you can advertise for more (I'd love to join a coordinated fighter PVP faction that flies Karasus (and Katanas!) and shoot at all types of ships if only there are plenty of targets, I'm sure others would too) or hire gunboat freelancers. If GMG| made PVP awards like in the IMG, or paid security pilots a percentage of the mining profits you yield, I am sure you can attract an army of PVP whores.
The big problem is that shooting Gunboats like you would everywhere else in Sirius does not work in the Sigmas. All a Gunboat pilot has to do is make for an explosive gas field and they've got a pretty good immunity to snubs. I made a thread asking if it'd be possible that GMG ID'd ships or the GMG ships themselves could get a special bonus where they'd be immune to explosive damage, as per their lore. The proposal was shot down by the rest of the community sadly.
Or things could be turned around so that snubs can just about navigate a gas cloud field, while gunboats and up would be too large to avoid the pockets and get torn up by them. As per the lore (:
Is that even possible?
I have never seen anyone get killed by gas pockets