To:Communications Hub Sender:Oberst Erich Klugmann Origin:Bruchsal Intranet, Oberst's Personal Terminal
Report 18-05-822
Accolades are in order for all those valiant defenders of Frankfurt and Rheinland a day prior.
A massive taskforce of Corsairs - What "task" they'd intended still remains in question - Approached Frankfurt from the Sigmas, spouting their war-cries as per usual. Thankfully we were able to muster a counterstrike with some of Rheinland's finest snub-pilots and fend off the entire attack with minimal losses.
Mission Objective: Territorial Defense Commanding Officer: Oberst Erich Klugmann - VWA|Erich.Klugmann (Series Z "Sabre") Friendly Forces:
• Aktivist Martin Schaff - VWA|Martin.Schaff (BYC "Marauder")
Notable Encounters:
•Federal Task Force - Neutral A mixed force of Military Snubcraft and Gunboats, ALG Corporate Defense Gunboats, and one "Bismarck"-class Battleship; An impromptu ceasefire was agreed upon, likely upon them having encountered us in combat. •Corsair Task Force - Hostile A somewhat top-heavy force of assorted Snubcraft flown by members of The Brotherhood, and no fewer than four Battleship-size ships.
The Corsairs were slowly whittled down after having entered Frankfurt from Sigma-13, and their advance was halted entirely before the capital ships amongst their force could reach the civilian centers of Holstein and Mainz. Admittedly I'm somewhat at a loss as to the strategic intention of the invaders; they attack anything in sight, but they most certainly aren't taking or holding ground just yet.
Regardless, we only lost one snubcraft during the entire engagement in comparison to likely many hundred lives lost aboard the disabled battleships.
With the steadily improving combat analysis and training that we as the Spearhead of the Bundschuh are experiencing, I'm of the belief that a system of awards, medals, and "accomplishments" is in order. Expect joint negotiations between myself and the Vorsitzende within the near future; to say nothing of certain individuals becoming Kommandants.