I'd more argue the fact that the rules and IDs and all that are complex without achieving anything. The reason for additional complexity is to close loopholes; any system of modern law is hugely complex because it needs to be in order to rule out loopholes. However, our rules and IDs still have plenty of room for error - I've been told that you can engage anything as Nomads without roleplay, and I've been told you need roleplay prior to engaging as a Nomad. Just one of the many weird, unclarified, and confusing parts of the rules. If they were reworked a bit, it wouldn't be a huge issue, although that's an undertaking I wouldn't want anyone to take on alone. *shudders*
Moving on, I'm not sure what "lengthy bureaucratic process" you're referring to, unless you mean Core Upgrade Requests, which really aren't that big of a deal. I'd honestly say the worst part about POBs is that they take way too long to produce for what little they give back to you, but that's just my problem with them.
But, overall, the biggest problem is that we're trying to roleplay in what is, essentially, a casual fighter simulator. We strive to maintain this sanctity of roleplay and that everything should abide by stories, but at the same time, working to maintain balance in the actual game. It's very difficult, probably impossible if I'm honest. I'm surprised Discovery has lasted as long as it has, given the immense challenges that come with trying to unite what are essentially polar opposites.
I'll finish by saying this. It may be a massive swamp of stuff for people to work through at first, but it's meant to get rid of all the problems we've had in the past. This latest, perhaps complex, change to how systems are laid out? Doesn't really affect indies / new players, only the higher echelons of factions, because they're the ones that have to process these issues. A great compromise, if I'm honest. And many of the other changes are at least done to continue in that vein - are they all correct? Perhaps, perhaps not. But it's Discovery, and it is what it is.
Although, I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed Discovery. Granted, that's the fault of it being twelve years old and me having played far too much of it for far too long for me to find it too much fun anymore. If I had to pin it on anything, it'd be the community, but for some reason communities revolving around roleplay servers are always incredibly toxic. Maybe people just suck, I have no clue.