We have a huge amount of people who point out problems. Nobody has answers on how to fix them though.
If you suggest is to reverse some of these changes, care to be a little more specific in which that you feel need to be addressed?
Problems like these are indeed addressed. We cater to the mass of players obviously. The people here in this community however have a really good ability to find any loophole that they can and exploit it, forcing us to lock it tight up so people can still enjoy themselves without another player ruining their time. It's not ideal. Although it seems to keep the majority of people happy compared to any alternative theory we have running around on how things should be run.
Be specific! Instead of letting things turn into a throwing match between a few members of the community, look at an issue from all sides. If you think you have a legitimate fix to improve conditions, forward it over to the Administration team. We'd be more than happy to discuss things with you if you're not aiming for some other motive.