With the latest changes to lawful IDs, and where POBs can and where can not be besieged by the Houses (but it's not only about House influence, mind you), there is a problem with POBs: some unlawfuls with acces to caps can besiege them and destroy, while in certain circumstances lawfuls can't besiege POBs in Border Worlds, although their ZoI covers given system.
Other factions without acces to battleships (and that would be whole lot of factions, let's say. For example Xenos or GMG) also practically can't besiege bases.
If everybody can build a base, everybody should be able to destroy one, that way or another.
But how? We can't just give battleship acces to everyone (and what would be "civilian battleship"...)
It was said that POB turret respawn was meant to use supplies from POB. That's a good idea, but it doesn't solve the problem entirely: probably it'd use only resources like munitions and maybe supply alloys, but not other commodities.
Do you remember those supply depots ?
They could solve the problem of base sieging for factions without battleships.
When a POB is built, such cool depot appears outside of it. Like a weapon turret, with that difference you can't remove it - it just is there, next to POB, cannot be deleted or moved by owner.
Like NPC weapon turrets around jump holes, it has a health bar. Not much, something what can be snacced in one shot. It doesn't blow up like NPC base depot, but the health bar simply goes down to zero for some time (again like NPC weapon turrets around bases or holes)
And here comes the best part: when "destroyed", depot variably drops some commodities from the base. It can be some of stored ore, it can be some trading commodity, but it also can be shield fuel, FOW, or supply alloys.
That way, factions with even snubs only, can besiege POBs aswell. It won't be open battleship assault, but it will look more like guerilla warfare - harassing POBs' depots, methodical draining their supplies. It also can be used not only for sieges, but for looting.
After some time (a minute let's say) depot's health goes back to full, and it can be "destroyed" again, again dropping some commodities.
How many commodity units such depot would drop after single "destruction" ? Few dozens for Core 1 let's say. Should be more with each higher Core level. Edit: Or actually dependant on the number of cargo modules. The more modules, the bigger drops.
Before you complain, please keep in mind well developed POBs can store hundreds of thousands of supply commodities units, single 5ker can bring 5000 units of supplies at once, and currently it's de facto impossible to succesfuly besiege properly supplied Core 3-4 POB.