Quote:With the latest changes to lawful IDs, and where POBs can and where can not be besieged by the Houses (but it's not only about House influence, mind you), there is a problem with POBs: some unlawfuls with acces to caps can besiege them and destroy, while in certain circumstances lawfuls can't besiege POBs in Border Worlds, although their ZoI covers given system.
Other factions without acces to battleships (and that would be whole lot of factions, let's say. For example Xenos or GMG) also practically can't besiege bases.
Why not deal with the problem at hand, instead of creating weird workarounds?
A new rule was introduced.
A few funny cases around PoBs have been found to exist.
Fix these until it makes sense.
Can be done via careful tuning of the color codes and ID rules.
We do not need tools with which players can cheap bleed PoBs, force PoB owners to constantly check their bases, or give trolls the chance to mine bases instead of fields.
0/10 because it fails to adress the issue at hand completely.