-The young man approaches the desk handing over his resume to the application manager,smiling he leaves the office...-
Name: Engel Wanderer
Age: 22
Short bio: ~I was born on planet Stuttgart.Lived with my mother and father,which i didn't get to see a lot.He worked as a Cross Sirius trader,working through the Border Worlds and Edge Worlds.Through out my school days i almost never saw him home during the week but at least he was there every other weekend.After i graduated with 18 he left me his DL transport,i never used it until he finally passed.He was very ill and it was only a matter of time.Trying to sustain myself and my mother i had to start working,and i got my hands dirty with many different corporations.I can not say,i haven't worked for any unlawfulls when i had to,heck i got caught by a Hessian once while delivering food to planet Crete,to the Corsairs.Dough the pay was very well and i lived a sweet life with mother.But now that she passed away also,i think it is time for me to accomplish more,scrap the old DL and go for a greater goal.So i decided to try out for this thing...
Why do you want to work for Daumann?
-It is a well organized place where i think i can live up to my full potential.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
-I never leave my work behind and i am known for being able to talk my way out of things,well,most of the times.