Some days ago this /ping and /pingtarget not working... not sure but around 3 or 4 days, i readed in game a "CONSOLE: the command /ping and /Pingtarget will not work for some minutes" or something like that... but those are being really long minutes hahahahahaha.
The fact, yes, you can use CMD in windows and check the ping with the server but... the USEFUL thing is /Pingtarget, to know if the target vessel is lagging or not. Shooting to a lagger you should change your aiming a bit, so I think its important. Some players would think, the target vessel is "Cheating" or something, due no effect under fire, but its just lag. (Its a really common feel)
Anyway... we must be patient, changing thing, fixing, editing the server stuff is not an easy task, and if you try to do it fast... probably you will hit something and turn it worst, so... I suggest just patient. Personally I prefer to wait a bit more and have the things perfectly fixed, otherway would takes more time to fix the mistakes you did attempting to fix another thing...