Jimmy came into the small bar that was The Den onboard Oyster Creek, nodded to the barman discreetly, and cleared a table. He began pulling up different system screens, with large maps indicating certain areas.
He had been out surveying, looking for places where the Xenos could get some valuable raw resources and make it profitable. Encouraging pilots to go back to similar jobs that were lost to Kusari all those years ago and ushering in a rare period of prosperity for the Alliance, Jimmy's actions had built up a small fleet of various utility ships, the largest of which was the DV.Dallas, 1 of only 2 Hegemons Jimmy had been able to acquire and get crew for. It was on strict instructions to remain within the Pequena Negra now, bringing in scrapped panels and servicable parts in a steady stream, keeping the workshop workers busy. This formed the backbone of the current economy.
But Jimmy knew the Alliance could not survive on scrap alone. The other fruits of Liberty were still there, and just because the jobs had been outsourced to foreign interests didn't mean that the sovereign ownership had changed. He believed all of Liberty belonged to the Xenos and no one else, including the various ore deposits within her borders. As the logistics officer it was Jimmy's job to find these Xenos jobs, jobs that could pay.
He downed his drink quickly before inputting the information into the Oyster Creek mainframe. This would make it accessible on the main panels as he had done with the Oyster Creek Revenge Board. Loading Survey Results... Done.
Callsign - XA-Pit.Viper.
Ship type - Rhino Freighter
Equipment - Offensive loadout, rear turret replaced by light mining lazer.
Helium can be found in the large cloud behind Planet Eire. While inert and not very useful to Xenos unless we can mix it with Neon, it can be very hilarious in small amounts for party tricks and small gatherings.
Platinum can be found at the northern edge of the Alberta system. However any yield was painfully slow as our lazers are simply not calibrated to this ore. It is valuable but we simply have no market for large amounts of it.
Entry Three - Copper
Priority - Medium
Yield rate - 1.5 minutes/100u
Accessing date...
Copper can be found in the remote Humboldt system, and is very useful in the construction of many basic electronics, ship components and as a potent power conduit. While it requires some refining from its mined state to become useful, as a basic material we will never not have demand for it.Both Ouray and Oyster Creek buy this.
WARNING - HAZARDOUSSilver is also found in the Humboldt system, however it is not only slower to mine than Copper ore but is protected by a large well-armed station by the name of Saltese [UPDATE - DESTROYED]. As such I was only able to mine near the edge of the field.
WARNING - RADIOACTIVE AREA Premium Scrap can be found in abundance in the Texas system. Not only are there remnants of the equipment used to build the failed jumpgate, but years of ships straying into the Negra and perishing provide a steady stream of spare parts that can be refurbished for Xeno vessels. The scrap is easy salvaging for even the lightest mining ships and can be sold at Oyster Creek before being loaded into larger ships for the journey to Alabama system. This commodity provides the majority of revenue for the current Xeno economy.