Allright folks, I thought after all those PvP events I'm gonna host a PvE event this time.
Everybody know these 8| so get yer butt up, this gonna be rough!
The Rules are simple actually, there are Certain Systems I'm gonna choose which gonna be a start Point. In this Event it's gonna be Omicron-99. Inside there, you gonna shoot as many Nomads as possible, on this Event specificly it's focused on Fighter Remains. Certain amount of time will be given, like said 15 Mins to hunt as much Nomad Fighters as possible. In the end, the one with more Remains inside his Cargo hold will win (That's the Counter, it shows how many Fighters you killed, otherwhise I can't realy follow it, so it has to be the Remains.)
Inside this Event, only Freelancers are allowed. Yea sorry to say that but since there is no Nomad Space Connecticut, we have to keep this inRP. Also keep in mind, since it's inRP, I'm not gonna ask K'Hara to not engage 8| it would be even more interesting and cooler if K'Hara's would actually log. For each killed K'Hara of course you get an extra bonus ^_^
The Danger Level also applies to the amount of Cash you gonna recieve, obviously Omicron-99 is very close to the Nomad Home System, so you will be rewarded thus.
As you suspected, The.Horizon will be the Host of this Event. Everyone will start off the Horizon. Don't worry, as more active this Event gets, the more Prices will get Quality.
Price for the Winner: 300 Mil.
Price for the Second Place: 150 Mil.
Let's get this Started then:
Starting Point - The.Horizon / Snake - Civ Carrier
I've chosen Freelancer because of the RP reason... If anyone can clarify me about the Situation of Zoner/Order/Core/Corsair relation, if that's possible that they can engage Nomads together for this Event without causing much RP problems, I might change and allow those Factions to participiate too. But until then, Freelancers.
The Rules:
- No killing each other to steal Remains.
- Following of Timeline, if time is over and you didn't reach the Horizon, you're out!
- No requesting help from "Outsiders", you're doing it on your own, not together.