ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Cell SENDER: Marcus Ashri SUBJECT: An suspicious contact
It was a very long day. I was stationing on O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep when I've received new orders from command. "Intercept and ivestigate the suspicious contact" - they say.
Well orders are orders. Rahotep has dispatched two wings to do so: Celtos and Nammer. I was the lucky one who found the contact first.
And it was suspicious indeed: a freelancer with "Kamome" deep in Omicron space. To make things more serious: I've found him near Capetown. It looked like he has undocked from Core's base.
Audio log Wrote:[05.06.2015 16:22:27] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Greetings
[05.06.2015 16:23:28] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: What's your business here?
[05.06.2015 16:23:46] Rasputin: discovery...
[05.06.2015 16:24:00] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Legal one, I hope
[05.06.2015 16:24:40] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Where are you heading, my friend?
[05.06.2015 16:24:45] Rasputin: no business, just ...
A explorer from Core's neighbourhood then. The explorer who is heading towards Omicron Iota jump hole. Even more interesting.
Audio log Wrote:[05.06.2015 16:24:59] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: This direction is restricted
[05.06.2015 16:25:07] Rasputin: koohyng for new sistems
[05.06.2015 16:25:19] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: It leads somewhere where you can't go
[05.06.2015 16:25:25] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Just for safety
[05.06.2015 16:26:47] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Right, stop
The explorer who enters restricted systems and refuses to stop. Things are getting worse for him... I've tried to be polite, but he was just ignoring my words.
Audio log Wrote:[05.06.2015 16:28:56] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: As I've told, this system is restricted
[05.06.2015 16:29:18] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Turn away, please
[05.06.2015 16:29:26] Rasputin: sorry...what for?
[05.06.2015 16:29:41] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: It's too dangerous to be here. Trust me.
[05.06.2015 16:29:56] Rasputin: on my risk
[05.06.2015 16:30:12] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: But there's some my business too
Ignorance... I don't like it, especially in dangerous neighbourhood.
He has explored the GX-1 and was heading towards Alien Jump Gate near Planet Xerna.
Audio log Wrote:[05.06.2015 16:33:53] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Right, my patience is getting low. Turn away to Omicron Zeta. Now.
And there was no reply from him. Furthermore! He has entered the nebula with Dur-Shurrikun.
Audio log Wrote:[05.06.2015 16:34:57] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: No reply?
[05.06.2015 16:35:20] Rasputin: i'm going back
[05.06.2015 16:35:34] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Understood, I will make sure you do so
Well, he wasn't going back as fast as I hoped to. He took an longer route and stopped 2 times to shoot approaching Nomad fighters. Luckily, for him, there weren't any remains. After some time of flying, which took definitely too much patience than it should to, we've finally reached Omicron Zeta again.
And that's where we've met O'Rhu|SB-Nammer. We've decided to interrogate the freelancer.
Audio log from interrogation Wrote:[05.06.2015 16:43:46] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Stop your engiend F'lancer
[05.06.2015 16:44:11] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Let's speak now.
[05.06.2015 16:44:22] Rasputin: ?
[05.06.2015 16:44:22] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Well commander, this guy was in Iota
[05.06.2015 16:44:42] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *a male voice* Let's have a word of your "interests" shall we?
[05.06.2015 16:44:58] Rasputin: speak..
[05.06.2015 16:45:28] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *grins* Well, you're on the wrong side of the talks, my F';re the one needed ot talk...
[05.06.2015 16:45:38] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Why do you nose around?
[05.06.2015 16:46:00] Rasputin: just flying around..
[05.06.2015 16:46:11] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Moreover, one of our vessels encountered you around a core station..
[05.06.2015 16:46:33] Rasputin: soo?
[05.06.2015 16:46:54] Rasputin: it was on may way
[05.06.2015 16:46:54] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *not impressed about your answeres lacking details* What do you want form here? why do you keep so tight in getting yourslef k?
[05.06.2015 16:47:15] Rasputin: no particulary...
[05.06.2015 16:47:20] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: On your way? what way is that?
[05.06.2015 16:47:42] Rasputin: i told you , flying around
[05.06.2015 16:47:48] Rasputin: no reason
[05.06.2015 16:48:07] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Do you beleive this guy? *towards his partner* Do you?
[05.06.2015 16:48:28] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Give me something more than that, that is if you value your tincan here...
[05.06.2015 16:49:17] Rasputin: my tin can wort like you see...
[05.06.2015 16:49:42] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *facepalm* I do not think you get my point...details mister, details...what is your business here....
[05.06.2015 16:50:22] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Unless you want soem torpedoes up your port exhasuts, to loosedn that tongue of yours and make get some sense in your head...
[05.06.2015 16:50:28] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Why do you nose around...
[05.06.2015 16:50:39] Rasputin: so, what is your intention shott me or let me bee
[05.06.2015 16:50:48] Rasputin: >?
[05.06.2015 16:50:57] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Tsk..Tsk..not os fast mister...
[05.06.2015 16:51:09] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Drop your shields..and your regens...
The freelancer has tried to escape...
Audio log from interrogation - Part 2 Wrote:[05.06.2015 16:51:43] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Where do you think you;re going?
[05.06.2015 16:51:59] Rasputin: cape town
[05.06.2015 16:52:14] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *seeing how you try to flee only makes him think even more of your suspicious activity here*
[05.06.2015 16:52:37] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: So, trying ot sneak out...what do you have to hide...tell us...
[05.06.2015 16:52:43] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: I guess you value your life...
[05.06.2015 16:53:34] Rasputin: not so much...if y fly this in this sistem....right?
[05.06.2015 16:54:08] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Don't try to be a smartarse...I got itchy fingers...
[05.06.2015 16:54:45] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Your reasons F'lancers...I've met quite some of your type to know you;re not doing stuff for the love of it...
[05.06.2015 16:55:01] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Your kin always is on the look for profit, what is it you get out of this nosing around....
[05.06.2015 16:55:10] Rasputin: so what is your intention....i wil be respawn on capetown i thing
[05.06.2015 16:55:27] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: And why this sudden association with the Core?
[05.06.2015 16:56:01] Rasputin: i explor this sistems for "a complet maping"....
[05.06.2015 16:56:20] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Ohh..ok, now we're talking...keep going...
[05.06.2015 16:56:31] Rasputin: i'm neutral with this
[05.06.2015 16:56:33] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: who benefits from this "complete nav mapping" ?
[05.06.2015 16:57:01] Rasputin: lol just myself
[05.06.2015 16:57:14] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: so you you say...
[05.06.2015 16:57:15] Rasputin: realy..
[05.06.2015 16:57:35] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: I don;t buy you *to his partner* ?
[05.06.2015 16:57:56] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Let me tell you a story, F'lancer...
[05.06.2015 16:57:56] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Not so much
[05.06.2015 16:58:11] Rasputin: shoot
[05.06.2015 16:58:22] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Once upon a time, 2 Order nice dudes meet a F'lancer transport...that was trying to nose around...
[05.06.2015 16:58:31] Rasputin: and
[05.06.2015 16:58:38] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: saying, after long and hard chase he was just "mapping"...
[05.06.2015 16:58:45] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: in a transport ship...
[05.06.2015 16:59:11] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: now, you tell me, this F'lancer, had any type of special equipment for mapping?
[05.06.2015 16:59:21] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: any kind of anomaly detector on board?
[05.06.2015 16:59:24] Rasputin: nop
[05.06.2015 16:59:54] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: then how come, out of the vastness of the system and the vers, he just figured hsi way to a very very very secluded location?
[05.06.2015 17:00:02] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: that being a nomad jump hole?
[05.06.2015 17:00:34] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: So, let me as you now...who gave you this info...
[05.06.2015 17:00:42] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: I presume it was the Core?
[05.06.2015 17:01:07] Rasputin: well, on my trips i learn theat somehow a sistem is like a mirrow...
[05.06.2015 17:01:24] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Do tell us more...fascinating...
[05.06.2015 17:01:45] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: and? what about this mirror?
[05.06.2015 17:01:53] Rasputin: and if you enter on one end , you can exit ,,,the ather end,,,,
[05.06.2015 17:02:17] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: No way...*sarcastic*...are you sure?
[05.06.2015 17:03:03] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: But...but, let me put it this are a grain of sand in this system..yet you went directly to a unknown, unmapped JH.
[05.06.2015 17:03:04] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: how?
[05.06.2015 17:03:11] Rasputin: so if on g7 is an jumphole on g2 is posible to be anather...
[05.06.2015 17:03:37] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Ohh really...well, I feel you think we are stupid...we don;t liek that...
[05.06.2015 17:03:57] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: You had your chance ot tell us the truth and maybe live...
[05.06.2015 17:04:08] Rasputin: or you can browse the internt and find out theat....
[05.06.2015 17:04:11] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: you keep on going with your lies...and we don;t liek liars here...
[05.06.2015 17:04:15] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Die now!
[05.06.2015 17:04:20] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Engage!
[05.06.2015 17:04:28] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Understood, aiming weapons
[05.06.2015 17:04:53] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: It was a wrong chooice
[05.06.2015 17:06:22] O'Rhu|SB-Celtos: Very wrong choice