Genossen, progress has hit a snag on Operation: Erlösung due to sporadic supply of the last few categories. Keep up your work and if possible, seek out additional supplies that have yet to be brought to Akabat yourselves. I'll see to it personally that you're generously rewarded.
More immediately important however are an unusual foe that has been passing through Frankfurt with alarming regularity. Comically true to form and in line with their apparent emnity towards the Corsairs; The Maltese have been using the lanes and jump holes immediately within Bruchsal's territory to smuggle explosives and munitions Northwards.
This, of course, cannot stand.
Mission Objective: Territorial Defense Commanding Officer: Oberst Erich Klugmann - VWA|Erich.Klugmann (Series Z "Sabre") Friendly Forces:
•Maltese Convoy - Hostile A sizable contingent of two train-sized transports bearing Illegal Munitions, a Condor-class gunboat, a bomber of Kusarian design and a Series QX "Switchblade". They hacked into the Trade Lane frequencies and evidently considered us less than a threat. •Dragon Patrol - Friendly Three Blood Dragons paying a visit from Kusari. I believe they mentioned a desire to survey Frankfurt proper, but in retrospect their aid against the convoy would have been strongly appreciated. •RFP|Wach.W.Kruppstahl - Neutral A lone Bundespolizei Wachmann responded to the commotion, wisely choosing to target the Maltese instead of us. His ungainly 19-ARKM-N82 "Mjolnir" was disabled by the bomber amongst their convoy.
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The skirmish was brief and pyrrhic; though we managed to disable both transports, the Maltese proved that they were capable fighters and managed to disable both mine and the Vorsitzende's craft.
I'd like to ask the Widerstandsarmee to redouble their patrols around Frankfurt's lanes and the Taunusfeld; the fact that so many entities are simply using our hard-fought territory no matter their intent doesn't sit well with either me or the Bundschuh proper. In addition, keeping the path clear at least to the Sigmas means that those involved with Erlösung have less to worry about.