Whilst I can't connect {PR} doing such as they were made after the ID nerf and from experience are one of the most pvp-phobic pirate factions I have ever seen, a GNG-esque faction could take an ID such as my proposal and possibly abuse it. I still have some confidence that wouldn't happen though.
GNG had limits. What we're all fearing now they could've just done with the Order ID. Groups such as the GNG ID opted for the Pirate ID because it had a lot of tech cells to choose from. Looking at the Coalition tech chart, it's got a lot less useful cells than the Pirate ID has.
I'd say trial my proposal (if possible) for a week and see what happens. If nothing good comes from it and the abuse we fear happens, either nerf it or make it so that the Coalition ID can only engage non-house military/police, unlawfuls and quasi lawfuls outside of house space. I still think it would be dumb for the ID to not be able to fully represent the Coalition RP in game though.