(06-21-2015, 12:43 AM)Fluffyball Wrote: There's a reason behind every inRP action and story, for example why Samura is not powerful anymore, why Rheinlanders aren't too friendly with Libertonians as they used to be or why Junkers are banned in Kusari. I had to learn in a hard way.
Does a guy RP'ing a simple company trader need to know all the lore of sirius? Does he even care? Does a guy playing an honest hard working miner really need his character to be well read on the history of the universe? And would my pirate character really give a toss about anything like that in the first place? Nope, he likes looting and plundering and saying yaaarggh!
Often a common flaw of RP characters isn't what they don't know, it's what they DO know. Common soldiers/pilots are not party to the greater machinations of government or high command. Most company employees have no idea what goes on at higher level management or behind the boardroom doors. Unlawfuls couldnt give a toss about most things that don't directly effect their income. People get on with what people do. I have too often seen RP in games where characters seem to know all there is to know about the lore of the game setting and take great pleasure in constantly demonstrating that to all and sundry, even when the character they play would have absolutely no idea about such things and very little interest.
I get your point. People need to know things if they are going to RP certain characters. They just don't need to know everything. And even if they do, they should certainly not be displaying it if it doesnt fit with the character.
spot on, think about it, each char doesnt need to know everything, most of mine dont, and thats how i choose it to be, although i do know alot, my choice is when in a char, he doesnt "need" to know