(06-23-2015, 11:55 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: Indeed, it took years for someone to formally report issues with the Corsair reputation infocard... and about 5 minutes for me to fix it. I myself was quite surprised when I found out how long it had been a problem.
Here is the reputation infocard proposal. As seen in vanilla too, the allies list is generally more strict than the enemies list. In addition, I am basing this proposal on the established lore excluding some official faction developments (such as Liberty Rogues working with Corsairs).
Also enemies of unlawful groups are rarely listed as "House Shippers" and most commonly as "House Corporations". I'd suggest to keep the latter for the sake of consistency.
Hogosha: Add Samura as first ally Comment: Samura is the main supporter and ally of the Hogosha. Currently it is not even listed.
Coalition: Add Red Hessians and Mollys as allies Comment: Their main allies. Like ever.
Red Hessians: Remove Unioners from allies. Change wording of "House Shippers" to House "Corporations". Comment: Established lore about Unioner - Corsair relations. They are neutrals at best.
Lane Hackers: Add GC as allies Change the order of enemies starting with Ageira, IC, DSE and then listing Xenos, BHG, Corsairs and House Military and House Police, House Corporations and GMG. Comment: GC are one of the key LH allies. And setting by importance the enemies of a faction is something also witnessed in vanilla too.
Colonial Republic: Add Liberty Rogues and Lane Hackers as enemies
Rename them into Crayter Republic. Comment: Considering their new home, these are their new regional enemies.
Gaians: Add Bowex as enemies Remove GC and BD from enemies Comment: There is not much reason for GC and BD to be listed as enemies since they are not really enemies.
BAF/BPA: Add Hogosha as enemies Comment: From the Bretonian-Kusari war until the current day, Hogosha was and still remain as enemies of the Kingdom.
Bundschuh: Add Unioners and Corsairs as enemies. Add The Order as allies. Comment: Both well-established in the lore for many many years now.
Kusari Exiles: Add KNF as enemies. Add the Council as allies. Comment: Both well-established in the lore for many many years now. The Council is one of the few main key allies of the KusEx.
Golden Chrysanthemums: Add Lane Hackers as allies. Remove Gaians from enemies and add Kusari Exiles Comment: All of them well-established in the lore except the hostility with the Gaians.
Gateway: Remove Hogosha from enemies Comment: Must be a leftover of the Bret-Kusari war.
Corsairs: Remove the Order from allies Comment: That is at least 5-6 years old. The oldest relic on this thread.
Gallic corporations (except GMS): Add Bretonian and Libertonian Lawfuls as enemies. Comment: Established since Day 1.
Gas Miners Guild: Add IC as allies Remove Zoner from allies Comment: There was never an alliance with the Zoners. The partnership with Interspace Commerce however, is well-documented.
Interspace Commerce: Add GMG as allies Comment: See above.
BMM: Remove Outcasts from enemies Comment: They are not enemies for as long as BMM has no base in the Taus. 4 years or something.
Borderworld Exports: Add Gallic lawfuls as enemies Comment: War with Gallia.
KNF/KSP: Remove Bretonian Lawfuls from enemies Comment: The war with Bretonia is over. I think.
LN/LPI/LSF: Add Gallic Lawfuls and Hellfire Legion as enemies Comment: Because Liberty is in war with Gallia.
Junkers: Add Gallic lawfuls as enemies Remove House Corporations from enemies Comment: Not much to say here.
Change "House Shippers" to "House Corporations"
Independent Miners Guild: Add LR as enemies Comment: One of the few enemies of IMG.
Outcasts: Add Bundschuh as enemies Comment: Established since day 1.
The Order: Add Bundschuh as allies Remove Zoners from allies Comment: Both events are well-documented. The alliance is around for many many years.
Blood Dragons: Add The Order as allies. Add Kishiro as enemies. Comment: Both established in the lore.
Zoners: Remove GMG and Order from allies Comment: GMG was never an ally. The Order is red nowadays.
Edit: Obviously if a faction has also a Guard one, the same changes would apply in that infocard as well.
Messages In This Thread
Faction Reputation Infocards- by SpaceTime - 06-24-2015, 01:23 AM