' Wrote:The transports decide to stick around the escorts for fear they might be jumped by another pirate group if they stray away too far from them. That would make sense IMO, but it's up to Gronath.
About the percentage of escorts being destroyed, that makes sense as well considering the escorts will "tie up" the attackers so they can't really take potshots at the transports.
' Wrote:Why not let the escort lead decide?
"Transports, stay close while we hold them off" -> pirates attack escorts
Makes sense to me, I'd only change that sentence to, "Transports, stay close while we finish them off." If they were to hold them off, it would be so the transports could flee.:)
Anyway, it doesn't make much sense for the transports to stray away too much, as Blodo said. Otherwise they would risk being jumped at by the next group of targets. "Best looking" scenario would be for the transports to orbit the fight while it issues.
If the pirates manage to destroy a certain amount of escorts, they'd have enough room to start attacking the transports. Then, as Wrathkin said, the transports would decide to try and make a run for it.
I think the other way around could work as well. If the pirates start falling, a group of the escorts may break away from the fight and take the transports away while the rest of the escort wing, this time yes, hold them off.
I didn't decide on the numbers because I think it will only make sense when we actually see how many people will actually participate. As an estimate, I was thinking maybe 50% to either side.
After the furball starts dissolving and the transports decide to make a run for it, everything is fair game for everyone. Everyone may cruise.
I think this sounds reasonable and fun. How does it sound to the pirates?