CONTENT: Directore Orack here
I got a job for your lot as we've got a possible contract for those organisms that thrive in the space surrounding Meskhenet station.
I must say it took us quite the effort to make contact with a corporation which we hinted it might have interest into these things. Ever since those PFI| vessels started appearing around here I knew they must be valuable. No sane corporation would send a vessel all the way up here for the joy of a ride.The company in question is named Cryer...Cryer Pharmaceuticals. From what we know they may be the major dealers of meds around this part of Sirius. So, if they consider those things to be any good we might get our hands on some prime grade medical supplies.
So, the job, well that is fairly simple. You need to collect a sizable amount of Alien Organisms and prepare them in sample batches, by lots and dates. Keep them for now and at the right time a freighter will pick them up and deliver them to our possible buyers.
[04.08.2015 22:57:17] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Oy, hold it.
[04.08.2015 22:57:54] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Who are you?
[04.08.2015 22:58:25] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *opening a short range comm channel*
[04.08.2015 22:59:04] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *a male voice* We'll get to that, but later...are you part of the company having this outpost here?
[04.08.2015 22:59:15] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Yes.. and who's asking?
[04.08.2015 22:59:34] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Call me Axisdeus..that should be enough for now...
[04.08.2015 23:00:18] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Alright, Axisdeus. We are part of the Cryer Pharmaceuticals.
[04.08.2015 23:00:24] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: This is the Atka Research Station.
[04.08.2015 23:00:32] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: What is your interest in being so close to our station?
[04.08.2015 23:01:25] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I've been a nice chap and told you my name, wouldn't the curtosey law say you should give your name, as well?
[04.08.2015 23:01:40] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Fair enough.
[04.08.2015 23:01:50] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: My name's Bob Clamor.
[04.08.2015 23:02:34] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Bob...what;s your clearance in the company, Bob?
[04.08.2015 23:04:09] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: It's currently the highest possible.
[04.08.2015 23:04:53] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *aproaches the comm pannel and initiates video feed. A man wearing a black flightsuit and a helmet appears*
[04.08.2015 23:05:40] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *squinting his eyes to see if his interlocutor is tellign the truth or not* Are you, Mr.Clamor?!?
[04.08.2015 23:06:08] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Of course it is. *looks straight in the comm*
[04.08.2015 23:07:09] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *smiles strangely, as if a hidden agenda of his was coming to fruition, but barely noticeable*
[04.08.2015 23:08:01] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Well, I'll assume your installation here is with purpose...
[04.08.2015 23:08:18] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I mean a white-collar like yourself is not interested into loosing money...
[04.08.2015 23:08:54] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: *to the other unidentified vessel* Stay away from the facility and close my location, Unioner!
[04.08.2015 23:09:23] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Smart man.
[04.08.2015 23:09:24] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: Affirmative... .
[04.08.2015 23:09:59] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: What's considered of interest for you group, if I am not too....inquisitive...
[04.08.2015 23:10:39] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I think I heard of Cryer somwhere...meds..meds was it *towards his partner* Waht do you say, Unioner?
[04.08.2015 23:11:13] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: Yes ... herd about them well...
[04.08.2015 23:11:41] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: The meds, that is.
[04.08.2015 23:12:05] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: So, what would a bunch of Docs want in a place like this?
[04.08.2015 23:12:22] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Research development.
[04.08.2015 23:12:52] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: *raised his eyebrow*
[04.08.2015 23:13:15] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *eyes gazing* No crap attached? Reaserch and,my!
[04.08.2015 23:13:49] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *looks at his buddy inconspicously* I do hope is not 'that' type of research...
[04.08.2015 23:14:09] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Hm? *looks with suspicion*
[04.08.2015 23:14:16] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Well, on what...there's nothing here that meets the eye...
[04.08.2015 23:14:51] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: You see a planet in this system?
[04.08.2015 23:15:41] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: You saw the planet, Unioner? Is a Samura dominion here...
[04.08.2015 23:15:59] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I should give you a tour someday...
[04.08.2015 23:16:06] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: Just from the distance, but yes.
[04.08.2015 23:16:18] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: The planet harbors alien organisms that is extraordinary to Sirius.
[04.08.2015 23:16:41] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *smiles* Those pay well...those Alien Organisms?
[04.08.2015 23:17:14] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Enough to maintain a facility here, in the fringes of known space?
[04.08.2015 23:17:25] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Of course.
[04.08.2015 23:17:56] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: So, Samura is your supplier...I bet they want big money for those things....
[04.08.2015 23:18:23] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Nope, they don't have an exact value for those alien organisms.
[04.08.2015 23:18:28] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: As far as I know Kusari corporations, profit is everything for them...
[04.08.2015 23:18:46] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: As for every house corporation anyway...
[04.08.2015 23:18:55] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: That would be a first for me, hearing this...
[04.08.2015 23:19:28] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *leans back in his seat, revealing a certain device on his chest, most likely used for flight or combat*
[04.08.2015 23:19:59] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Oh?
[04.08.2015 23:20:27] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: So, are they satisfying the needs? Or you'd be interested into new providers?
[04.08.2015 23:21:05] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: *looks with suspicious thoughts* What are you providing?
[04.08.2015 23:21:22] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *looks over at his companion, choking the ship out, noticing the nice, shiny VP engine*
[04.08.2015 23:21:38] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: Ze same product, for a fair price, mizter
[04.08.2015 23:21:44] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Providing....have I said I am providing anything?
[04.08.2015 23:21:57] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *to his escort* Shhhh
[04.08.2015 23:22:19] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: You seem to be implying that.
[04.08.2015 23:22:34] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Well, now that the cat is out of the box....
[04.08.2015 23:22:56] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I think is time for you to be interested into our group...
[04.08.2015 23:23:31] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: And what is your group?
[04.08.2015 23:23:31] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I will say only this...we can bring you those Organisms...who knows, maybe they are even of better quality...
[04.08.2015 23:23:36] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: More fresh...
[04.08.2015 23:24:29] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: And I am not part of some credit hungry corporation...*laughs*
[04.08.2015 23:24:50] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *tursn to his friend here* What are we, Unioner ?!?
[04.08.2015 23:25:17] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: Ze "Terrorists" ...
[04.08.2015 23:25:47] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: *Tries to hold his laugh*
[04.08.2015 23:26:02] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: *fails*
[04.08.2015 23:26:14] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Oh?
[04.08.2015 23:26:18] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *laughs even harder* ...yes *laughs some or* ...that..."terrorists" ...ohh stars keep me...
[04.08.2015 23:27:06] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: *stopps laughing, and gives a sad stare of realizing something painfully sad, right into the cockpit window"
[04.08.2015 23:27:42] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *wipes some laughter tears with the back of his right hand* Now, Mr ...?!? Would you be interested into some "shaddy"-
[04.08.2015 23:27:57] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: -dealings, with a bunch of 'terorists' ?
[04.08.2015 23:28:11] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: It depends...
[04.08.2015 23:28:35] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: That is an answer I can work with....
[04.08.2015 23:28:40] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: *leans back into his seat*
[04.08.2015 23:29:23] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *stil bursting in random laugh* ...oh stars...this gets me evrytime..'terrorists'!
[04.08.2015 23:29:50] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Hm.
[04.08.2015 23:30:17] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *back on the comms* I am not expecting work pro-bono here, Doc. You got a bunch of peopel to pay at the end of each-
[04.08.2015 23:30:25] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: week or moth or cycle...
[04.08.2015 23:31:17] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: So what are you expecting?
[04.08.2015 23:31:21] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: You will get used to live in za world of false accusations, trust me..
[04.08.2015 23:31:55] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *loosk strangely at his escort* Ahem....
[04.08.2015 23:32:19] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: A cut of the pie you are eating here...not for nothing.
[04.08.2015 23:32:37] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I do not deal in piracy nor do I like empty threats...
[04.08.2015 23:32:58] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I am a man providing your case Alien Organisms.
[04.08.2015 23:33:27] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: And which cut would you like?
[04.08.2015 23:33:29] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: You give me a cut of the pie, I give you transports of this stuff, at under market price...
[04.08.2015 23:34:24] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: I believe that can be arranged...
[04.08.2015 23:34:30] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: The cut?!? Well, you know, a transport of meds, generic stuf, lost, every now and then let's say in Minor, and some -
[04.08.2015 23:34:38] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: -pocket money...
[04.08.2015 23:35:11] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I am sure those big boys keeping bookings on you won;t notice a transport a month getting lost in this very, very-
[04.08.2015 23:35:19] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: -perilous part fo space.
[04.08.2015 23:35:44] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Corsairs, Outcasts, 'terrorists', you name it. I take it.
[04.08.2015 23:36:20] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: We do however deliver to the Omicrons in some part of the aspect...
[04.08.2015 23:36:23] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Who knows, maybe in time we will get acquainted even better, might find more tihngs in common...
[04.08.2015 23:37:10] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I am not interested to whom you are distributing in the Omicrons...your bussines isn ot my bussines...unless is my -
[04.08.2015 23:37:26] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: -bussines. and my bussiens now is to sell some Organisms.
[04.08.2015 23:37:59] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: I believe that can be arranged.
[04.08.2015 23:38:10] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: What do these organisms have that the planet doesn't have?
[04.08.2015 23:38:11] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axideus: Your end will be to 'lose' some cargos in Minor, to some 'unidentified criminals' and a few payments...
[04.08.2015 23:38:35] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: No idea, that is your area of expertise Doc...
[04.08.2015 23:39:03] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I tell you hwat they do not have, they do not have any current exploitation in their spwning clouds...
[04.08.2015 23:39:18] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: I see.
[04.08.2015 23:39:21] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: Remember that our organisms will most likely come from unpopukated areas, where zey grow
[04.08.2015 23:39:30] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: naturally, independently..
[04.08.2015 23:39:51] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *looks at his escort* Spot on, my friend...
[04.08.2015 23:40:15] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *towards the Cryer doctor* I like this guy more and more by the minute.
[04.08.2015 23:41:01] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Very well. I will handle up the loose ends in getting a transport lost a month or so..
[04.08.2015 23:41:16] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: But these organisms must be worth the cost of course.
[04.08.2015 23:41:32] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: How much of the cargo will be needed to cover the costs?
[04.08.2015 23:42:17] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: But, know what , Doc? Let me make the first move...
[04.08.2015 23:42:30] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Alright.
[04.08.2015 23:42:53] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I'll bring you a sample do your hocus pocus and then we shall see
[04.08.2015 23:43:16] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I'd hope for a fruitful relation...
[04.08.2015 23:43:19] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Alright, then.
[04.08.2015 23:43:35] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Let's say this instalation of yours is not that far from my residence.
[04.08.2015 23:44:12] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I'll send the credential to a secure me on that, once you want the transfer of goods...
[04.08.2015 23:44:42] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Alright, then.
[04.08.2015 23:44:43] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I do not want to embaress you, walkign on your station in my ugly flight boots...I bet all is sparkling there...
[04.08.2015 23:45:02] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *sending comms data*
[04.08.2015 23:46:04] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Ah...some thing before we should start consdering giving us some more special equipment for collecting -
[04.08.2015 23:46:34] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: -those things. I guess is in both our interest to have them as unharmed and as fresh as possbile.
[04.08.2015 23:47:07] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I'll consider a vessel should be enough...maybe one like those the GMG are using for gas filtering...might work?
[04.08.2015 23:47:22] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: But you are the big Doc know best.
[04.08.2015 23:47:32] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Of course.
[04.08.2015 23:47:56] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Afterall, what's a collector for a company like yours...
[04.08.2015 23:48:35] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: ?Axisdeus: You know, one wrong turn and it can be caught in the gravitational field of Minor jump anomaly...
[04.08.2015 23:48:44] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: One man's trash, my treasure...
[04.08.2015 23:49:10] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I bet you got some in the orbit of that planet there...
[04.08.2015 23:49:31] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: You could say that..
[04.08.2015 23:49:53] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Now, look at the time....
[04.08.2015 23:50:31] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: Greetings stranger. *acts like he never saw the cryer vessel* We're just passing harm intended.
[04.08.2015 23:50:54] CryTech|Alternatus: Bob: Farewell.
[04.08.2015 23:51:36] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: Did you really just sold them that usless crap we have to scrape from our windows everytime ze get back from-
[04.08.2015 23:51:45] O'Rhu|WF-Khnurn: -patroll?
[04.08.2015 23:51:48] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: *the comm channel closes. A red blimmping light remins you of a new saved comm frequency active*
[04.08.2015 23:52:10] O'Rhu|SB-Nammer: Axisdeus: I got a PFI some while ago to tell me their value..