ADDRESSEE: Alexander Lafferentz SENDER: Jason Orack SUBJECT: Response for your project submission.
CONTENT: Mr. LAfferentz,
You've not even scratched the paint on your Bastet and you are already looking to change it? I knew I was right about you...Now, to the specifics of this.
Space will remain an issue to be solved at a later date, in case this project even goes further than a simple drawing board. So for now, you will make due with what you have in the Engineering bay. For those delays, I've already had a chat with the Chief and he can always move the repairs onto Evora, if needed be.
I like people who think ahead in time and I like ideas that mean a step forward in the right direction. So, I will go along with the idea of developing something new, but with a few pointers: these engines must match the reliability and the average runtime per fuel cell of the existing engines, if not longer. You want more power, more speed, if you can get that while keeping the serviceability and the endurance of the current engine then we got a deal here.
Military designs ?!? You'll have to tell me what you have in mind. We can do that while we go look for that former colleague of yours, Vogel. Yes, I will accompany you, as this will be your first incursion undercover. I hope you weren't expecting solitude for this one....
Concerning the materials, you've seen our guys in the Logistics. They will take care of what is needed, whenever that will be possible. The work hours are already stretched to maximum. Another drawback will be the estimated cost for this whole project of yours. Again, we'll talk in person and settle on a sum. We work on limited fundings here.
Orack out!
OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: I'll reach you on your personal communicator for departure details. ATTACHMENTS: N/A