Jimmy reached over to peruse the file. As he flicked through he said nothing, but his eyebrows moved incrementally further up his forehead. By the time he neared the end, any chances of keeping a poker face on had diminished significantly.
"Uh, well, shizz, that's quite the list. And this is just recent? Mmhmm. I think I've seen what I need to see."
He flicked near the end and glanced at Kathy, pointing out a figure in the file, looking for a nod of approval or some other sign.
"Um. Well, it seems my guess was right. I love it when I'm right."
He grinned at David, a genuine grin. This guys timing could not have been better, Jimmy mused silently. Jimmy had confidence the man who was no more than a stranger a few minutes ago would make him look organised. He indicated a viewing port nearby, outside was the shifting debris that was the Pequena Negra.
"You see that twisted mess of pods out there? That's actually my largest transport. The Serpentis Maximus. Yeah it ain't pretty, I know. Which is why Katherine is here."
He had to be careful now. The next sentences would be critical. He didn't want to send the wrong message and completely friendzone himself. No one ever came back from the friendzone. His face lit up a little as the solution came to him.
"This is Katherine Snow, and she is way up there in the Hellfire Legion. She's ah, a bit on the quiet side but don't mind that. She's come to check on my transport y'see, there's more engineering knowledge in this one woman's head than everyone else here combined. She also acts as a diplomat between our two groups."
He had left out her rank on purpose, unsure if he had shared too much information already. Not wanting his confidence to evaporate he continued quickly.
"As for your part in this, well we are probably going to need to move the Stork transport through the jumphole network out to the borderworlds. We simply don't have the facilities here to service it. It's a four system trip and there are plenty of chances for us to be jumped by just about anyone. Your file speaks for itself, I won't insult you by asking if you are familiar with your own hardware. But it's a big long slow target you'll be protecting, one wrong move and she comes apart. Not to mention it'll be packed full of H-fuel and duct tape at Milford for the trip."
The man appeared to be listening, he seemed to be paying attention. He needed more pilots with a decent attention span. Another round of drinks was brought over.
"So... Are you interested? It'll give us time to talk about anything else you might want to know about us, uh, the Xenos I mean."