So, the post I had prepared for yesterday is still in the drafting stage, and will have to wait until next week. Meanwhile, I'll make a simple post here for this week.
"What can I do to help?"
"Do you need more devs?"
People seem to ask a lot if we need more people to make progress go faster. As far as Storyline, Infocards, and Effects (EDIT: Danny says we need more effects people now) go, we're fine. A few more people willing to learn how to modify systems would be great, as would someone who understands FL's economy. PvP Balancers and independent ship modelers would be excellent to have, and we're currently working on a list of models that we actually need (as oppose to people making new stuff randomly). Oh, and of course, does anyone know a lot of C++ or C? Because FLHook is based off of that ...
Basic candidate qualifications
- Minimal bias, and/or the ability to shelve bias (note: awareness =/= bias)
- Willingness to work outside of their local region(s)
- Having people skills. Patience, politeness, etc.
- Basic competency in your job
- Ability to admit mistakes made, and willing to be wrong / see the other side in an argument
- Being organized, dependable, trustworthy, and able to take orders
If you think you have those, great. But if you don't show it well, it'll hard for us to know. Not all are absolutely required, although they're all good to have.
"How do I start work?"
Well, if you're looking to help out one of the six aforementioned positions (systems, effects, PvP, economy, models, FLHook), it's best to get in contact with a relevant developer and/or post your work in Mod Dev Requests (if you want something), Mod Content Submissions (if you have something), Mod General Discussion (to discuss an idea), or in the Developers Forum (if it doesn't go elsewhere).
After you've spoken to a dev or three and shown us some of you work, we'll likely begin discussing whether to add you to the dev team. If we do, yay; if not, don't take offense to our decision. Also note that there are a handful of people who currently do minor or part time dev work without having gold user names.
Feel free to ask questions, make comments, point out errors in this post, provide constructive criticism, reply with interest, start working on something, continue browsing the forums, vote for Richard Nixon, conspire with friends, or give thanks for the time we spend. Keep in mind, we're busy people. Your consideration here is much appreciated.