Been testing out new events lately. We have a huge list that has a lot more event ideas that fit the current story, and will be going through them at a somewhat steady pace.
We also have update progress bars. Looking to get the next set of updates out before 2016, but within a month from now at the latest. Our apologies for the long duration it has been since the Gallia Update. The forum rollback put us behind schedule, and so has the departure of the team's prior leadership. We're rolling along, though, so no worries.
We've been training a number of new people lately as well, for positions including economy, effects, models, and PvP. Provided that they stick around and keep active, productivity will increase and some of their usernames may appear in dev gold. I've been receiving some training lately as well, geared towards managing updates. We all have things to learn.
Next week, if I'm not lazy, I might write up a post about how lore works. Also, happy holidays!