@Teerin, is there someone who could make a few guidelines or something on texturing things for the mod ?Or could that be a subject of this thread sometimes ? Cause with the fact that @Durandal told me that the stuff I made is crapbad , but didn't tell me why or how it should be or something, it's pretty hard to fix it and I'm walking around in the dark, desperately trying to figure something out that depends on the personal opinion of those responsible for models. With all due, I won't even try to bother @Haste with it, I feel like I'm not one of those people who would get an answer any time soon.
It's starting to get frustrating, cause there would be still loads of things to do with the meshes I made and I don't plan to finish them by next christmas, but without info, it's pointless to even try, thus making me reconsider if I actually should bother making new content to the mod.