After the Carrier went down leaving it's crew floating in space the Xeno ships had dispersed from Manhattan. We followed a trail and ran into a gunboat of the Xeno, the XA-Retribution commanded by Captain Stracke.
We politely asked for an interview, which we were granted. Captain Stracke indicated that he won't be speaking as a XA official rather presenting his personal opinion.
According to Stracke the main reason for the disputes between the Xeno Alliance and the Liberty government is the struggle against the death of the working class in Liberty.
All this began when Liberty was running low on raw materials and had to encourage the import of such, which caused the local mining companies consisting mainly out of small businesses or individuals to suffer. Their raw materials were drastically more expensive than the mass imports intensifying their struggle for survival.
“A man could go out, try to find some silver or copper, and make a decent living that way!”
From my perspective there's nothing wrong with that, unless the man can't sell it for a good price any longer given the price decay caused by mass imports.
As the mining disappeared the manufacturing industry in Liberty also took a dive. Only the companies, which could afford importing large quantities from other houses survived, the small businesses and individuals went bankrupt.
This concludes that the Xeno Alliance tries to block shipments to revive the local economy to make it possible for smaller businesses to earn a living. But why does this have to end in destruction of freighters and transports?
Personally I do not attack trade ships without giving them a chance to turn around. But make no mistake the Xeno Alliance overall is not necessarily that generous.
That's too bad, given the fact that a lot of the traders are mostly individuals. Like the one we met earlier, who was questioned by a Xeno. Comparable to the individuals mining, those traders are trying to make a living and forced to turn around or worse killed by the Xeno. The consequence, either loose your profit or your life. No surprise that some of the traders try to run, they can't afford to loose either one, neither profit nor life.
Now the question is, what does the Liberty government want. We tried to get a statement but were denied any comment on the matter.
Silence causes questions:
What's the Liberty Forces main purpose?
Ensure that the steady stream of goods flows into Liberty further impoverishing the small businesses and working class. That would mean that the Liberty forces are serving the big shipping and trade companies rather than their citizens.
Are the Liberty Forces keeping the Xeno voice down?
Frame the Xeno as terrorists and distract from everything else what's happening in Liberty.
Is the Xeno Alliance a haven for criminals, who have nothing else on their minds than destroying and killing?
As we can see based on Stracke's statement, he's considerate and follows his cause.
But are the others?
Bottom line is that there is another solution besides of violence. How about working together and finding a solution for everybody.
Sometimes a compromise solves conflicts like the one between the Liberty Government and the XA.
Ladies and Gentlemen on both sides – It's time to talk!
A great New Years Day to you all. This is PH signing off.