My name is Aisling Ibanez. I was born in Molly controlled space in the Dublin system, I'm not....entirely sure where or when. When I was a young child, I was sold into slavery to a family on Malta by the name of Ibanez in exchange for Cardamine, to feed my single mother's addiction. I worked on their plantation all through my youth, harvesting Cardamine grass for export to House space. My owners were caring ones, bestowing upon me their surname and raising me as though I were their own child. I came to be grateful for my lowlife mother selling me, I had a far more loving and sophisticated upbringing than I would ever have earned under her care.
My owners were devoted adherents of the spirits and the gods, and took care to instill in me their teachings and worship. As a result of this, my faith grew ever exceedingly. I came to see my slavery under them as a blessing, and Cardamine as a gift to extend my life and spread the faith to the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon reaching what we all figured was adulthood, they emancipated me as a birthday present. Following my release, I dedicated myself to joining the Crimson Cross, to give thanks to the gods through carrying their banner across the stars.