Hi. Ex leader of Phoenix here. While we together with Moebus created this faction but hey - hardest work is to keep faction running, get officialdom and turn it into something enjoyable to play and keep active through years. Though later game started to take too much of time while RL gets much more busy. So we voted and took the decision. Anyway, me and my fellow ex-Phoenixes put alot of effort to carry on the faction and such attitude just to copy and past old faction info, pics and the rest stuff with ignore to our closest past is no way to go, not mention you even not tried to contact anyone of ex-Phoenix leadership (me, Alvo or Quiron) or known last members, you were always able to find our skype in our forum accs. If you'd like to create something based on Phoenix ashes just make new group based on Phoenix story with new name or just make a group based out in Omicrons with fresh idea. Make activity and enjoy the fun.