Well, writing the new "system cull" post is actually taking up quite some time, as I figure I ought to explain some concepts instead of just throwing a list at you guys. While most guard systems are being removed, there are quite a few that will remain in an altered state (of varying degree) and in addition to that, some excess systems will also be axed. The total number (including Gallia and Rheinland, which are already done) is around two dozen, but at least half are little systems like Savoie.
It's an interesting bunch of change ideas to manage (and also why 4.88 has been split up into regions, since the removed systems bloat the size of the update packages) which total up to well over 168 remaining individual system changes, and are based on decisions made not just by myself, but some predecessors as well and they've all been reviewed/agreed to by the current story planning team (so if your favorite system is targeted, don't only blame me ). Fortunately, I began collecting all the data I could gather, into spreadsheets about a year ago. Anyway, I should have a post ready by next Tuesday.