(03-30-2016, 07:16 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Why can't unlawfuls not have Ageira's tech? Are satellite/arrows any worse in gameplay terms, to warrant stripping away part of Ageira's unique lore?
On the other hand, why stripping away things that came from the vanilla? You can't consider the docking rings of Toledo, Malta and Crete to be wrong but insisting in the untouchable cleverness of ageiras white boxes. Let it be as it is. Those planets had had those docking rings for so many years know. I agree that new planets are other cases. You can't just say "Digital Anvil did that just for technical/deus-ex-machina-plot reasons".
If they had no other technical possibilities, they just could have made orbital bases, simulating a planetary lift. But they gave them docking rings.