(04-04-2016, 04:42 PM)Sheekochan Wrote: There are the corporate factions without "can attack anywhere" line like... let's say Bowex, Gateway and USI, they have no problem with activity or roleplay. Cryer still can demand cardamine which is reflects the actual RP of struggle against the drug, attacking random armed groups of LR or Outcasts is something that making less sense.
To respond to this very quickly. Firstly, I did say that restricting that line may make sense.
And secondly, if Cryer as a whole is trying to combat cardamine which it (from my point of view) sees as both a social and economic problem, why would they put effort into creating a "cure", spend large amounts of time to stop the occasional transport, and then just completely ignore the vast and organised support network in place for the distribution of the drug?