Please remove "meme" from Bastille. The captain of the ship is a young individual of the Corsairs (aged approximately 17,) who demands that transports provide him with a reference of NeuralNet culture to pass. Typically this involves them saying something along the lines of "sad frog," etc.
Here's an example of an RP interaction.
[19.03.2015 06:18:08] meme: Cut your engines!
[19.03.2015 06:18:20] Boys_aka_BR: the hell you want
[19.03.2015 06:18:25] meme: You to be polite.
[19.03.2015 06:18:33] Boys_aka_BR: sory for that
[19.03.2015 06:18:34] meme: And to stop.
[19.03.2015 06:18:48] Boys_aka_BR: well, just a click away from cambridge
[19.03.2015 06:18:53] Boys_aka_BR: you wish pilot ?
[19.03.2015 06:18:54] Death: |+|-Chaplain.0 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[19.03.2015 06:18:55] meme: I see that.
[19.03.2015 06:18:57] meme: My wish?
[19.03.2015 06:19:01] meme: I wish for you to give me...
[19.03.2015 06:19:02] meme: A meme.
[19.03.2015 06:19:06] Boys_aka_BR: a meme
[19.03.2015 06:19:08] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[19.03.2015 06:19:09] meme: A meme.
[19.03.2015 06:19:10] Boys_aka_BR: you mean credits
[19.03.2015 06:19:13] meme: No.
[19.03.2015 06:19:14] meme: A meme.
[19.03.2015 06:19:28] meme: Hi, Gateway!
[19.03.2015 06:19:30] Boys_aka_BR: explain, and fast
[19.03.2015 06:19:36] meme: You know, a meme!
[19.03.2015 06:19:43] meme: Like, "sad frog."
[19.03.2015 06:19:56] Boys_aka_BR: lol
[19.03.2015 06:20:07] Boys_aka_BR: those little corsairs are geting on my neervs
[19.03.2015 06:20:17] meme: I'll be getting on your nerves too, soon.
[19.03.2015 06:20:25] Boys_aka_BR: okay pirate. what do you want
[19.03.2015 06:20:30] meme: A MEME1
[19.03.2015 06:20:33] meme: I told you already!
[19.03.2015 06:20:35] meme: Just one dank meme!
[19.03.2015 06:20:56] Boys_aka_BR: i am under protect of an Bretonia police and navy. i suggest you let me past and we deal this with 1mil
[19.03.2015 06:21:15] meme: How about we deal this with a meme or your life?
[19.03.2015 06:21:31] Boys_aka_BR: you wont have time to kill me bro
[19.03.2015 06:22:09] Boys_aka_BR: mother-.-
[19.03.2015 06:22:19] Boys_aka_BR: ok you are on a black list bro
[19.03.2015 06:22:21] Boys_aka_BR: see you later
[19.03.2015 06:22:22] Death: Boys_aka_BR was put out of action by meme (Gun).
[19.03.2015 06:22:27] meme: *Flips tedora.*
[19.03.2015 06:22:59] Death: USS.Montreal.QC suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[19.03.2015 06:22:59] /stuck
[19.03.2015 06:22:59] Attention! Stand clear. Towing meme
[19.03.2015 06:23:00] /stuck
[19.03.2015 06:23:00] Attention! Stand clear. Towing meme
[19.03.2015 06:23:18] Boys_aka_BR: i took a picture of your non RP action
[19.03.2015 06:23:31] Boys_aka_BR: so. have fun playing banned
[19.03.2015 06:23:48] meme: //