To:Communications Hub Sender:Kommandant Michael Wolf Origin:Bruchsal
Report 08-12-822
Following issued report concerns activities of Junker black marketeers as requested by Oberst Klugmann.
Patrolling our northern borders: Sigma systems 13 and 17 I have encountered odd collection of individuals between jumpgate and Kunashir cloud. Given assurances of Oberst that those do not pose any threat and are meant to be treated as neutral, following report will focus mainly on the Junker encounter immediately afterwards.
Dated Pilgrim class liner by name "Junk in The Trunk" attempted to enter Kunashir cloud with intend to enter Omicron systems. Halted and questioned by both me and Eidolon Wraith, Junker flying for Congress flag begun disclosing rather interesting facts. Cargohold full of tungsten, lagging behind greater convoy that has already made its way to intended target was meant to reach installation in Omicron Rho system by name of "Alabama shipyard". According to information from The Order, it is shipyard in service to Core - rather unpleasant mercenaries with access to advanced technology and capital assets. Not only that, Junker also slipped out info that they make business with Corsair menace "from time to time". Fairly extensive double-crossing network they have set up.
It appears Eidolon Wraith and its escort were not amused of concept of Junker's cargo reaching Omicron Rho and forced it to redirect towards alternative route in Omicron systems. I followed, entering Edge nebula and making way through hostile Omicron Theta star system. The destination, marked on map star charts as Omicron 74 turned out to host some sort of Zoner shipyard in the cloud with considerable automated defenses set out to liberally engage anything it deems potentially hostile - including my Wraith fighter. I remained out of range to confirm sale of tungsten to "Livadia Shipyard", upon which Junker hailed back to Rheinland with toxic waste - no doubt with intend to deposit it with ALG facilities in our homes.
I have warned rest of our wing to expect arrival in Sigma 13 on my way back. Steve Harlow questioned both battlecruiser and junker, confirming everything they have told me. Entire reconnaissance flight went without an incident, evading any and all hostile patrols along the way. Running out of fuel given considerable lenght I had to go during this trip alone, I retreated to Bruschal and retired there for rest of the day.
Commanding Officer: Kommandant Michael Wolf - VWA|Michael.Wolf (Wraith)
Friendly Forces:
Notable Encounters:
•.:J:.Junk_in_the_Trunk - Neutral Junker from report in question. Potentially less knowledgeable member of their organization, prone to say more than more veteran individuals would dare to admit.
•A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith - Neutral Freelancer IFF, Core manufactured warship of battlecruiser chassis. It is considered to field more firepower than both Donau and Ostara class cruisers.
•Joshua.Hunt and Noah.Xonnel - Neutral Fighter escort of Eidolon Wraith's. Both sport freelancer IFF. Hunt uses Hellfire Legion fighter which how he acquired is currently unknown and Xonnel is very likely Cardamine dependant and since supporting himself with stabiline.
•Eliza.Valdez - Neutral Outcast Saber, piloted by so far peacefully aligned Maltese pilot. Has not expressed any intend of hostility or ill-wishing. Remained neutral and non-interfering during entire patrol.
This would be everything. Should I gather more intelligence I will fill it in with next report as it goes. Wolf out.