Quote:Given 'recent' events, The Core will probably begin to stop mining Iridium for FP11 and instead we'd like to have the sell point moved to Yaren please.
Quote:Most of the Iridium mined in the captured facilities on Nauru gets transported up to Yaren and then either onto Freeport 11 or into Omicron Rho to sell it in borderworlds, edge worlds and sometimes even in the houses, or to use it in their own shipyards. Given this newfound outpost, the Core seeks to expand their grasp onto the planets resources and colonize the desert world.
Could we pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease finally see roleplay around all these dev-side changes from the factions that are involved?!
Come on. The potential is huge!
And it is an absolute no-go to play this game by dev-requests to change info-cards and sell points... without any visible forum roleplay.
I am not saying it does not make sense, BUT it is the Core's responsibility as a faction to document, explain and offer roleplay about these changes.
Badly done, and I hope it [the selling point change] gets denied unless good roleplay is offered.
Scenes that come to the mind:
> 1 thread: planetside fighting (Sairs do not just go like: Ye, my mine... here... have it.)
> 1 thread: trade agreements on how to settle this... oh... with Zoners... gg... it's a little late for that, is it?
> ... do something!
It is really sad, sad, sad to see the waste of potential!
If you want to play a "command & conquer game of taking resources to win", Disco is the wrong game for you.