[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/fqyiqv3.jpg?1[/img]Name: H. J. Gollard
Age: 78
Birthplace: Planet Manhattan, New-Town City
Sex: Male
Work Experiance:
Construction planet-side for one year.
Several planet-side architectural firms.
Major Manhatten Alliance Architectural Firm for 30 years.
Bach. Mast. PhD in Architecture
Bach. Mast in Space Engineering
Short Biography: I was born into a middle-class home and had a good upbringing.
I was able to get a loan and study in one of the top universities for architecture and space engineering.
The co-op program let me have a head start into the workplace and right after finishing my Bachlors of Architecture I worked at a company part-time while taking my Masters. After working later as an apprentice for two years and earning my masters of architecture, I worked for 10 years in several firms gaining experience in planetary contructions. In my career path I decided I wanted to push up into space and build among the stars like the gods and went back to school to get my space engineering degree while working as well as later taking a full year off to work on my PhD in Space Station architecture research. After completing these qualifications I joined a major architecture firm on Planet Manhattan known as Manhattan Alliance and there I have been working for 30 years where I designed constructions including space station complexes. I had then after taken leave from that firm and have decided to go to space myself and take a look at and experience the stations I have designed. I would like to join your corporation to further my career focused now on only space architecture.
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OoRP Section
Time Zone: Canada -5:00
Skype(Mandatory): johnjohn12261
Have you ever been sanctioned and if so please provide a link to the sanction and tell us what you have learn form the sanction: miner sanctions of little relevance. 1) was in lib gb when new and shot someone with no RP. 2) made fun of begging on forums 3) warning for derailing thread with personal things.
Learned from all of them.
If you really need links... i would have to dig some...
How much time are you able to devote to DSEA: Not a lot. I could join a convoy or two. Most of my time is spent on AFC. Joining cuz'... architecture faction
Mostly RP on forums