ADDRESSEE: Director Jason "Axisdeus" ORACK SENDER: Adam SCOFIELD, Logistic Nucleus DESCRIPTION: Report on Agent Alexander
CONTENT: I'm really sorry for bothering you with it, mister, but I'm afraid you need to know of this matter personally.
Yesterday, as ordered, I was assigned as a pilot for one of our transports, O'Rhu|LS-Mudads, with a delivery mission to be carried out to one of our battleships in the Inverness system. Navigation was conducted under supervision of another agent of the Logistic Nucleus, Mister Alexander, piloting the O'Rhu|LS-Aptroot transport.
During our voyage, previously mentioned agent was drinking alcoholic beverages, while piloting a ship, and got intoxicated to a level, on which his ability to think rationally was lost. He had troubles locating objects on his navmap and approached a civilian station way beyond set safety limits in hopes of raising the alert on it, simply to his entertainment. His actions could have directly jeopardized our mission and both our navigational and personal safety, and it is very likely that local authorities were warned of our presence, making our future missions in this area more difficult.
I am ready to provide an evidence in from of the communications log between our ships.
Thank you for looking into this matter.
Adam Scofield.