Since this thread now seems to be a feedback thread: Here's mine.
I have unintentional high amounts of Auxesian encounters, and I enjoy those every time. Since I'm yet a noob to all the lore, I did some peeks into Auxesians lore and watch all the comms that are currently happening. (Also, people suggested me to take a look at the SRP thread and the links there to get a view about what I have to keep in mind to SRP something myself, since I'm about to do a similar thing like Nyx did.)
I think there are lots of people a bit jelly about how Auxesia does things. They don't have ZoI, which I find absolutely important for a roleplay-focused group, because you want to do stuff with not always the same people. Auxesia mostly flies in groups and rarely alone. I think that's cool, because it's rare to encounter a group of ships of a faction that's not about to raid/gank. You know what I mean.
Auxesia seem's to collect a bunch of SRP'd ships - and since you don't get SRPs that easily, I wonder why people always question Auxesias roleplay background. There's enough stuff on the forums to read. Too bad there is no TL;DR-version for lazy ones, so I guess it's easier to just rely on ooRP hate and repeating what other ooRP haters tend to babble in Skype. Yes, saw that happen.
If you ask me, Auxesia does enough to give a benefit to the community. They do forum RP, they do lots of RP ingame, both serious and jokey, and it's not just Raven. It's also Hunt or Keating and some other guys that are a bit more silent. Every faction has people like those. Some are a bit more talky, some stay a bit more silent. Okay, Auxesia is small in numbers yet, so, of course the focus is on the talky ones like Raven.
Auxesia has lots of ingame presence in the Omicrons. I have enough video footage on Auxesia, fighting, doing roleplay, being funny or just crossing my path. So, you have a faction with lots of ingame presence, roleplay bot ingame as well as in the forums via comms and stories, and you have a faction that is very dynamical. There's enough background, and yet more is coming. Every faction has had a warm-up phase, right?
Also, may I remember Nodtviet started an offensive against Zoners and the initiating reason was some nomad gunboat remains on an indi nephilim as well as some hand-rolled Lucky strikes from Jess? Nothing wrong with leaders acting weird. They are still humans, or are they not? (#ICNodtvietConspiracy!)