As discussed on skype with Lyth regarding this post:
[10:13:07 AM]: It's supposed to be inRP satirical. Core made the Zoner Registry board, claiming Omicrons for themselves. Zoners see that transmission, laugh and go "Are you serious?". Since there are other Core indies who have stayed away from the conflict/actually written comms to Zoners saying "We don't agree with the actions of those people". So knowing there are Core members who don't agree with the main Core force, making that comm is both to show how ludicrous Zoners feel that Core would claim it, and to hit home that the Omicrons aren't governed, aren't going to be another "house". It's meant to show how ludicrous the Core asking for a registry would be. Something I see entirely within the realm of Zoners doing, to make the point that you should not have to register to be in the Omicrons, that they are not to be claimed.
It's like the Lane Hackers making that Sirius News and Commerce thread about IND a year or so ago. You remember that, right?
I can promise you (Not trying to make an excuse) that it was not intended as an ooRP troll, but was something inRP Zoners would definitely do to show how ridiculous it is to have a "Zoner registry".
[10:16:30 AM] Luc E-W: ah i see
[10:16:44 AM] Luc E-W: the use of the faction tag in it made it seem a lot more lulzy
[10:16:46 AM] Luc E-W: but i understand