First maybe a REAL quote would be nice, or at least a link to it. Also I was talking about AW Wars. Not WA. We have had 5 wars here. Havent lost a single one. 4 of them had actual battles. And 3 of them we were outnumbered. I direct your attention to the Tau-37 battle in the SF/TC vs. AW war. 3[AW]v7[SF/TC]. We won by a ton. We killed twice as much maybe more of them than we died. Kane saw the last half. Your complaining about 2v1s or 3v2s well we had MUCH worse odds than you. Yeah the 8v1s are worse but thats because you basecamped and allowed others to come. I TOLD you if you wanted a 1v1 you better undock quick before the others got there. Then in Delta I told you I would 1v1 with you, and if you didn't accept you have no right to complain about the odds. You didn't accept, yet you complained about odds anyway. I also direct your attention to the time during the CvA wars where I on my own until later Typi joined me fought the ex-battleship terrors. There were 6-7 of them 1 of me. I defeated their leader's (Wrath's not Denier) Rheinland battleship in my stock cruiser and stock osiris. only time I lost a match was to Deniers gunboat that had battleship weapons (this was before we balanced weaps, we had no energy conumption with the turrets before). Now try complaining to ME that the odds are too bad for you. At least now we have some rules, as well as our honor in not making it too bad a fight. We will even do 1v1s with you, but you never accept. How about you go win a 3v7 match then I'll let you complain about odds.
This discussion is POINTLESS. Wedge, Clan wars. Get over yourself, your acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. I have 42 screenshots of Wedge's conversation, and every single one of them is of Wedge being an idiot and brat. As well as trying to order my members arround. Guys my members (such as the Iluvatar you tried to order) are not going to do what you say. How about you get a fleet together and fight us. I'm sick of the complaining and the bashing. I'm pretty d*mned sure that everyone else is getting tired of hearing the bickering. And I'm tired of you trying to make AW and WA look bad. I have plenty of things that can make CUFF look bad but do I use them? No. I have enough honor not to do that. I'm not trying to make a jab or insult you here. But GROW SOME FREAKING MATURITY!