(05-28-2016, 04:34 PM)Laura C. Wrote: As you just confirmed, you do not write it from neutral standpoint, you write it from Core´s members standpoint solely and only, all other witnesses including people which were on your side are ignored. That´s far from being neutral. Like others said, lying about event inRP is fine, but ooRPly it´s not.
My neutral standpoint is that Zoners/Order attacked Yaren and so that is what we reacted to. Without that the events lose huge amount of their basis.
(05-28-2016, 04:34 PM)Shizune Wrote: Right Lyth, because I got Laz now talking to me. You are wrong.
Order DID pull back as Core players began to log so we could give you some breathing space.
Let me ask you this then, where there any PRIMARY ZONERS there? Or are you going to bullcrap us about Yaren being threatened by Indies, in which your members just kill for the sake of fun?
Unless you can provide ALL of us with that information Lyth, you are lying about ZONERS attacking Yaren. And I mean TAZ, OSI or IRG attacking Yaren. Because if its indies, I believe the normal thing is that usually Indies don't have an impact on major primary faction lore
Please...enlighten us
I've been talking to Laz and I wouldn't be surprised if you're trying to somehow swing him to your point of view. The attack on Yaren, FP11, Order and Zoners all happened on a single day. Indies were pretty much pivotal to all of the events that took place. Whilst the indies were the ones creating the turmoil, the Zoner official factions had just barely even started to head towards Delta.
To say indies have had no impact in the events is extremely silly, and dare I say double-standard because most - if not all - inRP accusations of Core's conduct on the Zoners was in regards to Zoner indies within the Omicrons. I don't think we've ever had the opportunity to enact our laws upon Zoner officials.
(05-28-2016, 04:38 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: Looks like you have an internal faction problem, lyth.
Could be worse. We could be racers too.
(05-28-2016, 04:41 PM)Jeremy Hunter Wrote: I wonder if his ass gets jealous of all the crap his mouth spews.
Want to force 10 Core battleships made from thin air at a Freeport because of an Order chasing Aux?
Get over yourself.
Also, 30? It was 56 against 15 Core, 3 of which were only caps. and for Order? 6 Gebs, 4 Osirs, and countless smaller ships, 40% of which WERE CORE PLAYERS TO. Ya, Core players joined us during that event because they wanted to win against Core.
Don't humor yourself with stuff you understand little of
Lol, you want to accuse us of making our stuff come out of thin air when your faction leader powers whatever assets he wants into the mod because he has a yellow name? We've all seen how much new stuff Order has gotten from the recent updates - things that were part of @Omicron's department - whilst other factions got so much less input and care. How someone as bias as him made it into the Dev team is beyond me.
And I heard how adamant Order| and Golly were in ganking the hell out of us in the lead up to that video. And when the Core| fleet rolled in we tore your pride to pieces. It was well deserved.
If people really are going to endlessly whine (but please continue because this thread is an absolute blast) then just retconn everything that happened. Clearly there was so much confusion involved that we aren't able to coherently put everything into roleplay properly and it's leaving us with holes and inconsistencies.