I'll keep it short because I think I have told you everything I want to tell you on Skype and you are immune to critizism anyway:
> You cannot keep anybody from playing on a planet. It is a planet. Read its lore. Imagine the right scale. Then think about your comparison with the IMG station again. I know I would not report you, if you nicely roleplayed that a few Core sabotagers blew up a docking bay. I would <gasp> roleplay. I am curious when you will report the Nauru rp for "powergaming" because there are acts of sabotage on the planet.
> The Nauru rp is constructive. You just do not like it, that's your problem. You are not interested in a realistic depiction of an interesting, multi-facetted playing field like Nauru and the roleplay you could get from it. You are interested in power, entitlement, ownership. The planet should have a Core IFF, and everybody non-Core was killed by 50k Core Marines in the past in self-defence, of course. That's a Lyth world. Just that it is unrealistic.
> "Forum roleplay isn't really an interaction." (Lyth) => Forum roleplay is interaction. It can be great interaction if you do it above a meme-style level.
> "16+ pages of whining" (Lyth) => contained a lot of valid critizism, which of course you did not recognize as such.
> "Doesn't that make your roleplay seem incredibly one-sided for mutual roleplay?" (Lyth) => You are invited to participate, you have always been, I even advised you on making it really cool.
> "Isn't that powergaming?" (Lyth) => Report it and show who you really are, Mr. Destroyer-of-Roleplay.
> "I was banned at the time." (Lyth) => Nice try. We both know better.
But I guess enough of this.
Do what you have to do.
I do not believe that people like you manage to destroy roleplay just because they do not get the enjoyment from it that they would like, especially as you define enjoyment as irply winning. But hey, I could be talking to a wall with more success, so I might as well quit doing it.