This is a minor announcement, that, due to rising interest from faction members again, we will be making new attempts to be active and coordinate activity. Today is also the fourth birthday of the faction, yay. FYI, the faction fizzled out in August and September last year, due to lowered interest and availability across the board.
Interested players are of course welcome to apply via recruitment, and we'll get to you when we can. Updates may come to these faction pages soon, too, as needed.
I will continue to lead the faction for now, but may consider passing it off to my long standing SiC @Exdeathevn or someone else, so as not to impede my duties as the head storyline planning developer and overall lead dev. Either way, as we progress into planning 4.89, I should have more time. We'll see, I guess
Also, rumor has it that the UC VHF will soon finally make its way into the mod, which I'm excited for.