So after some hasty FLHook changes, i've added (locally for now) a new command which allows the spawning of solars using specific position and rotation coordinates.
That, paired along with a macro program (since creating console commands are a little more difficult than ingame ones. At least with the small amount of thought i've put into it so far) can make some pretty fun opportunities.
Events anyone?
Note, with the above video, I used Durr in Omicron Iota as it was the first multi-arch structure that came to mind. Since inputting them into my AHK script was getting old, this is only the bottom half. (Without FX, couldn't be bothered looking up the internal names for the loadouts. But special effects 'can' be added on through this.)
Edit: Wow. I know Dur is missing a lot of pieces, but jeez does it look crappy without the pretty lights and nebula.