Anyway, be those bretnoian wilde or any other - it'll have to work within the context and boundaries of the lore scheduled for release at 4.85, hence why I said to wait till then. Right now rushing does nothing good, like I said there is a need for infrastructure, that includes roleplay infrastructure too, and the lore docs is exactly kind of mechanism providing the necessary basis and fundamental concepts, an official paper. Consistency is necessary, and the reasons why I explained already above, referring to as tower of babel syndrome. Nomads aren't carte blanche for any ideas that might come into and this isn't charity house, isn't blank white paper you can paint whatever you want on. There is already a painting there so you have to work within the style. One can go as far as saying not playing a jedi or insert-your-favorite-sci-fi-character here harms the roleplay variety, but that's rhetoric and endless debate, for crossovers best to do within specifically dedicated environment, i.e. mods that are derived from those. So here we got reasonable limits and reasonable freedoms, work within them, not around them. The latter will only make things worse. I'm willing to take new ideas onboard, I'm fairly open minded person when ideas presented are taken with responsibility and dedicated hardwork and not just a product of a momentarily creative spark, but input alone does not come with guarantees, understand that as well. So for as long as this branch provides not conflicting with existing setup or the future plans and not be far fetching ones (that includes rivalary). The existing Wilde faction was made this way, I expect the very same kind of cooperation here. Those are the conditions, regardless of being official or not, repfixed or not. There are other important and priority conditions too, which are outside of my scope, those are best discussed with administrators here and in certain case, like this one, with Igiss directly. There are many necessary dependencies, will not be an easy road.